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Width 98 cm
Height 120 cm
Depth 140 cm
Shape Rectangular
Seating Capacity 1
Delivery Time:
5 to 7 Weeks i

Please note that when days are specified, these refer to working days. Lastly, if you opt for installation during checkout (as opposed to just delivery), it may add several days due to our installation schedule.

Call Centre Wooden Bench Desk Extension

Product Code: CALL_EX-IN

Starting from
  • Originally conceived to support the minimal furniture needs of a call centre environment
  • These cubicles are small, compact and consist of the basic essential system
  • Call centre tables, cube tables for phones and call centre desks for offices
  • You will need furniture that is durable, and functional, it maximises your floor space too
  • We build our furniture per your order, as we do not stock standard designs Our furniture is made out of a unique one-inch panel system, giving us the ultimate design flexibility while taking up less space

Originally conceived to support the minimal furniture needs of a call centre environment: a telephone, a computer and The All-Important Human. These cubicles are small, and compact and consist of the basic essential system components: acoustical panels and work surfaces! Additional cubicle storage items like drawers and shelves are also common. Not surprisingly, as more business functions move to the screen and as real estate costs continue to rise, the small footprint of the Call Centre Cubicle has seen a rise in popularity.


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